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Tea Caravan Trails of Tibet

Today, India is the second largest tea producer in the world. However, very few people are aware of the fact that till middle of nineteenth century, India did not produce even a Kilogram of Tea. Almost all the tea that was consumed in India, was imported from China. In the year 1835, a British officer, … Continue reading

No train travel for me!

Actually it is a fact that I love train travel. Travelling at a reasonable speed in a totally relaxed environment is what train travel really offers to any traveller. Besides there are no personally insulting, stupid, security checks when boarding a train. You can also carry along, whatever you wish and think, that is required … Continue reading

Are we Special ?

In the year 1543 AD, a book titled as ‘De revolutionibus orbium coelestium’ was published in the town of ‘Basel’. Unfortunately, the author of this epochal book, Nicolas Copernicus, had died by then and could not see his life’s work with his own eyes. In this book, Copernicus had stated that that the Earth is … Continue reading

Singapore Memorial for Indian National Army (INA)

Subhash Chandra Bose, perhaps the most charismatic leader of India, was one of the leaders, who lead India during freedom struggle against the British. He had paid a brief visit to Singapore in July 1945 to lay the foundation stone of an unusual monument. This monument was to be a memorial dedicated to the unknown … Continue reading


In the 1970-1980 decade, all audio-video media in India, were exclusively owned by the Government of India. Leaving aside ‘Vividh Bharati’ radio station, which broadcast mostly Bollywood films music, All India Radio and DoorDarshan TV channel used to broadcast every day and night, the programmes produced by Delhi mandarins all the time. These programmes were … Continue reading

Siachin- World’s highest battlefield

Jammu & Kashmir state of the Indian Union has been involved in a quagmire of controversy, ever since the Maharaja of the erstwhile kingdom, signed the instrument of accession in 1947. This state, even before accession to India, always had international borders with China on east and Afghanistan in the north. In 1947, when British … Continue reading

A museum of the heartbroken

Just across the city hall of Zagreb, capital of Croatia, where many young couples get married, a very novel museum has been set up by one Drazen Grubisic and his co-founder Olinka Vistica, who is a film producer. They call it The museum of Broken Hearts. Drazen Grubisic says that “The objects that are here … Continue reading

Garland bearers of the Buddha

Last year, after visiting New Delhi’s National museum, I wrote a series of articles about antique objects displayed in the museum, from parts of the ancient silk route ( presently in Xinjiang province of China), which were collected by one of great explorers of last century, Sir Aurel Stein. In one of the articles, I … Continue reading

Maharshi Karve Museum of Pune- A photoblog

One of the western suburbs of the Pune city, Karvenagar, was earlier known as ‘Hingne Budruk’ village. Late Dr. D.G. Alias Annasaheb Karve had started in 1896 his institution for giving education to widows in this very village.. This institution today has bloomed into a major education center for women and is known as ‘Maharshi … Continue reading

No Milk Please, we drink wine only!

  Mr. Baburao Patel was a remarkable personality from the pre-independence India, who made a mark on the society with his thinking and life. Baburao was born in Konkan on the west coast of India. However, it remains a kind of mystery, why he adopted a Gujarati surname like Patel later in his life. This … Continue reading

A Good Kill

A Good Kill Continue reading

Nizam’s Hot Rod

Some of the programmes, broadcast on the Discovery TV channel, are my all time favourites. One such programmes is called ‘American Hot Rod’. This programme shows the restoration work on the old cars by a California car shop located in a place called La Habre and owned by one Boyd Coddington. The programmes usually revolves … Continue reading

Pune Police present their own Colaveri De

The Police from City of Pune have come out with their own version of the hit song Colaveri De for educating people of Pune about traffic rules; real tough job by any standards Enjoy

Birds of the same feather and flock? -Part III

When the news media broke the news of Antrix-Devas scam in the beginning of year 2011, the central Government, already under great pressure, because of 2G and Commonwealth games scams, moved swiftly and annulled the Antrix-Devas deal on 16th February and appointed two committees, the first headed by former Central Vigilance Commissioner, Pratyush Sinha and … Continue reading

Birds of the same feather and flock? -Part II

Antix corporation was set up as a marketing arm of ISRO in 1992. Articles of association of this company state that objectives of the company included promotion of commercial exploitation of space products, technical consultancy services and transfer of technologies developed by ISRO along with efforts to facilitate development of space-related industrial capabilities in India. … Continue reading

Birds of the same feather & Flock? -Part I

Indian Space research organization is a department of the Government of India and has been given the responsibility of carrying out a range of activities related to space. They develop and build rockets for carrying satellites and other spacecraft for scientific research to space. In another important division, ISRO designs, develops and builds satellites and … Continue reading

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